Friday, October 26, 2007

Freaky Friday

Let's begin today by announcing the winner of the pumpkin carving contest:

First place, and winner of the 1 wish is...... ME!

Second place, and the grantor of the winner's wish -- Big Dave!
Thanks to all who voted. One voter went so far as to deduct points from Dave for using the Wii remote in such a unfitting manner. : ) I personally think he didn't want to bother scooping out the pumpkin guts, and took the easy way out. Foolish mortal.

I appreciate your confidence in my ability to slash up a pumpkin, and promise to carry on my talents and visions to next Halloween. Who knows what the next masterpiece might be?
By the way, over the next few days after carving, Calvin's nose and mouth shrunk substantially. He looked like Old Man Calvin with no dentures. Quite disturbing. By Day 5, I had no choice but to give him the proper burial in the backyard and let the bird/squirrels/tortoises/misc creatures finish him off. A gruesome ending, but one that I think he would enjoy, given his psych profile.

The second bit of news to share with you is that for our vacation, we are going to.....
HERSHEY, PA! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are headed for my mecca, my sacred city, my one true homeland. I shall bathe in a chocolate bath, get exfoliated in a chocolate scrub, dine on chocolate themed dinners, and immerse myself in a chocolate culture. It's my dream come true! And best of all, I get to share it with Big Dave. Now if only I could figure out a way to get the Hershey people to hire me as a taste tester, than life just might be complete. Too bad they don't have a bread factory near by, 'cause that would be my idea of heaven!

We'll also be visiting the Hershey Park, zoo, gardens, Amish country, and, of course, shopping -- for chocolate! We'll also be enjoying a cornfield maze, in celebration of Halloween. So much to do, so much to eat, and so little time!
I shall post a recap of our adventures upon our return, and maybe post a couple of photos. Don't be surprised if I look much fatter upon my return -- the chocolate made me do it!

Friday, October 19, 2007

The pumpkins are here... The pumpkins are here!

Here we go, folks! The offical entries of our annual Pumpkin Carving Contest:

Contestant #1: A rare piece, titled "Calvin's Worst Nightmare Comes True". In case you can't read the postcard, it states, "Greetings from Florida", and shows Susie snuggling up to Hobbes on a sandy beach.

Contestant #2: Introducing the new "Wii Pumpkin". In preperation for the new Wii Balance Board (tm), a new game is in the works where you get to play the Hobgoblin and smote down Spidey! Riding on your flying bat chariot via the Wii Balance Board (tm), you use your Wii Pumpkin to throw those nasty bombs at Spidey and send him to meet his maker! (sold seperately but not included, a 1/2" wrist strap is suggested to ensure the pumpkin doesn't fly out of your hands and smashes into your nice plasma tv. Sold for only $19.99. Don't say we didn't warn ya if you don't buy it.) *Please ignore our cheap plasticwrap controller grip for the adapter. We are still in beta. :)

Let us know which one is your favorite by voting "1" or "2". One vote per person. You can register your votes on this blog, or by emailing us.

We thank you for your participation, and remember, "ROCK THE VOTE!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkin Carving Contest

It's about that time again, boys and girls! It's the annual Pumpkin Carving Contest starring myself and Big Dave, with you lucky winners participating as the judges! I know how thrilled you must be, but don't get too excited -- it's an unpaid, underappreciated and overworked job. Which is pretty much why you're being asked (AHEM!) to do it.

As always, we will take pictures of the artistic creations and post them on the blog. You will then tell us your favorite by indicating #1 or #2, and at the end of October, we'll tally up the score and announce who won. The winner (that will me be) will get one wish granted by the loser (that would be Big Dave).

Any questions? No? Good. Any comments/snide remarks? No? Good.

We'll be posting shortly, so keep this Blog in your favorites and check back frequently.